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Phone & Fax Numbers for All Locations
Phone: 703-924-2100 | Fax: 703-922-6067

Inova Healthplex Office
6355 Walker Lane, Ste 401, Alexandria, VA 22310
Potomac Yard Office
3600 S. Glebe Rd., Ste 150, Arlington, VA 22202
Duke Street Office
2747 Duke Street, AAlexandria, VA 22314


Inova Healthplex: Mon-Thu: 6am-8pm | Fri: 6am-6pm | Sat: 8am-12pm | Sun: closed

Potomac Yard: Mon-Thu: 6am-8pm | Fri: 6am-6pm | Sat: closed | Sun: 8am-12pm

Duke Street: Mon-Thu: 6am-8pm | Fri: 6am-6pm | Sat: closed | Sun: closed


Commonly Asked Medical Advice

Nurse with patient at Pediatric Associates of Alexandria

The following links are from the American Academy of Pediatrics parenting website (healthychildren.org). With the information provided, you will find:

  • Commonly asked illnesses or symptoms our nurses answer over the phone
  • Background information
  • Care advice you can do at home
  • When to call the pediatrician

Please note, the information provided does not replace the advice of a medical provider. It is to act as a resource and provide a better understanding of your child's health.